Intermediate Difficulty
intermediate workout
Spark new leg growth with HASfit’s muscle building lower body workout. The drop sets superset leg exercises will add variety to your routine. This legs workout is great for intermediate to advanced trainees.

Drop Set Supersets – This is a great plateau killing workout. We’ve provide both a Mass Building Emphasis version and a Strength Emphasis version of this technique. Start with appropriate weight for the first set and then drop 10% off the weight every set. Alternate between A1 and A2 with no rest until all sets are completed. Rest for 2 minutes before moving on to B1 and B2. Repeat for C.

Mass Building Emphasis
A1: Barbell or Dumbbell Squat w/ elevated heels 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12, drop 10%, 1 x 15
A2: Barbell or Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12
B1: One Leg Squat w/ dumbbells 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12, drop 10%, 1 x 15
B2: Donkey Calf Raises 1 x 50, 1 x 40, 1 x 30, 1 x 20
C1: Leg Extensition 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12, drop 10%, 1 x 15, drop 10%, 1 x 25
C2: Hamstring Curls 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12, drop 10%, 1 x 15

Strength Emphasis
A1: Barbell or Dumbbell Squat w/ elevated heels 1 x 4, drop 10%, 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10
A2: Barbell or Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 1 x 4, drop 10%, 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10
B1: One Leg Squat w/ dumbbells 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12
B2: Donkey Calf Raises 1 x 50, 1 x 40, 1 x 30, 1 x 20
C1: Leg Extensition 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12
C2: Hamstring Curls 1 x 6, drop 10%, 1 x 8, drop 10%, 1 x 10, drop 10%, 1 x 12


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