Advanced Difficulty
Work Out with No Equipment Instructions:
Complete 3 Rounds of the Following Workouts to Lose Belly Fat
Chest Touch + Kick Throughs x 30 seconds
Star Jumps x 30 seconds
Push Backs x 30 seconds
Claw x 30 seconds
One Leg Deadlift Jumps x 30 seconds
Pulse Push Ups x 30 seconds
One Leg Forward and Back Jumps x 30 seconds
Knee Chops x 15 seconds each side
Supinated Push Up x 30 seconds
180 Touch Downs x 30 seconds
Complete 1 Round of the Following Isometric and Core Exercises
One Leg Wall Sit x 30 seconds each leg
3-1 Tempo Push Ups x 30 seconds
Plank x 60 seconds
One Leg Wall Sit + Leg Ext x 15 seconds each leg
Decline Push Up x 30 seconds
Iso Leg and Arm Raise x 60 seconds
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