HASfit’s Free 30 Days Challenge To Get In Shape workout program make’s getting in shape easy! We provide the exercise programs, fitness schedules, meal plans, and the best workout motivation.
30 Day Workout Program
This is a beginner to intermediate program. Click here to determine which program is right for you. The workout plan and fitness schedule is made to be fun and simple to use. HASfit employs a variety of techniques to kick your butt into shape including kickboxing, high intensity workouts, and running. We use muscle confusion workouts to keep it fresh for both your body and mind.
This fitness program is designed to compliment our Eating For Life diet guide. If you’re not eating the right foods for your goal, then it doesn’t matter how hard you exercise because you’re not going to see results.
Eating For Life will teach you how to eat the foods you love while getting the results you need.
*Limited time offer* Use the discount code: “Tribe20” at checkout for 20% off the ebook
Each week contains 5 workout days and 2 OFF days. You may mix up where you take your OFF days as long as you work out 5 days per week. Every workout routine can be completed in less than 20 minutes. Depending on your level of fitness, you may need to adjust the plan for your needs. Try your best to complete each exercise program in it’s entirety. If any workouts are too easy, then start from the beginning and continue exercising until you are fatigued. Each week progressively gets more difficult, so if you are not able to complete a certain week then repeat that week until you feel comfortable moving forward.
This workout program requires no equipment. We do however strongly suggest you purchase a pair of light dumbbells. If you don’t have access to dumbbells, then you may use soup cans of equal weight for a replacement. Depending on what surface you are exercising on, you might want to have a yoga or ab mat available for comfort.
Start each workout with the warm up exercises and end each workout with cool down exercise stretches for flexibility

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