Hey HASfit Mamas!

Today is your Steady State Cardio day.

We encourage you to pick a steady state cardio activity that you enjoy. Some ideas include walking, jogging, cycling, hiking, elliptical, or even cleaning.

The goal is to get your heart rate up to 65-70% of your max heart rate, or 120-140 BPM for 15-30 minutes.

It’s low intensity and it’s slow. The duration of this workout and the activity you choose is dependent on your fitness level, energy level, and trimester.

If you were running half marathons before your pregnancy, then a 4 mile run may be perfect. If running hasn’t been apart of your routine, then don’t expect to start now. A brisk walk may be more appropriate.

As your pregnancy progresses, it’s okay to scale back the duration and intensity of your steady state cardio bouts. Above all else, listen to your body and your baby.

Alright, it’s time to start moving.