Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner Modifications provided
intermediate workout

Let’s get ready to work HASfit Mamas! There’s no weights needed for this prenatal cardio workout, but you will want to grab a bench or chair. It can be done anywhere, anytime. This routine is great for women in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester.

Warm Up
Butt kick plus back squeeze
Step Back and Reach
Good Morning

Prenatal Cardio Workout

High Knees + Reach
Lateral Squats
Incline Push Ups
Punch Out + Run in Place
Plie Squats to Calf Raise
Incline Bodyweight Rows
Split Squat + Overhead Reach
Tricep Dips

Cool Down
Chest Opener
Calf Stretch
Child’s pose
Pelvic Tilts