Intermediate Difficulty with Advanced Modifications provided

Grab your dumbbells and prepare yourself for this full body HIIT Tabata workout. This Tabata style routine utilizes 4 rounds of each exercise. You’ll perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Get ready to sweat!
Warm up
Shoulder Box
Frogger Step to Rotation
Bird Dog
Full Body HIIT Tabata
Suitcase Squat
Alternating Split Stance Row
Forward & Back Hops / 1,2,3,4
Drop Split Jerk / Step Back
Sumo DL Jumps / No DB’s
Half Kneeling Push Through
Reverse Lunge DB Swing / Step Back
Reverse Curls
High Plank Straight Arm Pullback / from Knees
Cool Down
Lying Overhead Shoulder Extension to Angel
Lying Side Quad Stretch
Seated Toe Touch
Hands Behind Head Chest Stretch