Intermediate Difficulty with Beginner Modifications provided
intermediate workout

A strong mama is a healthy mama! Build strength and lean muscle with this resistance workout. The only equipment required for this prenatal workout is a pair of dumbbells. It’s great for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester.

Warm Up
½ Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Bent Over T-Rotation
Posterior Swing

45 Min Prenatal Resistance Workout

A1: Romanian Deadlift 2 x 12
A2: Seated Bent Over Row 2 x 10
B1: Staggered Knee Raise 2 x 10 each leg
B2: Seated Curl to Arnold Press 2 x 12
C1: Prisoner Squat 2 x 12
C2: Seated Reverse Flys 2 x 10
D1: Iso Glute Bridge + Chest Press 2 x 10
D2: Side Lying Leg Raise 2 x 12 each side
D3: Side Lying Leg Circles 2 x 6 Circles Forward / 6 Circles Back

Cool Down
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Pigeon Pose
Wide Child’s Pose
Chest Opener